Seminar on Political Sociology 
社會科學院  社會學研究所  
325 D1510 
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每個主題,在進入專書討論之前,我們將先閱讀基礎文獻(以review articles為主),回顧該領域研究議題、知識累積與理論辯論,以了解指定閱讀的專書所座落的理論脈絡。
下學期的課程分為四個主題。第一個主題是分配政治。指定閱讀從階級、政治制度,以及性別與家庭的觀點,來分析社會政策,並關照全球化透過何種機制來影響國內的分配政治。第二個主題是差異政治與文化多元主義。關注的主題包括:不平等的物質世界與文化範疇交織而成的多重認同,如何獲得肯認?在多元社會的環境中,普世的平等原則,會不會忽略差異而造成壓迫?何種制度安排與政治過程能夠調和平等與差異?第三,認同差異與文化範疇的衝突,在政治上最棘手的,是以族群、種族為基礎的民族主義主張;族群化和種族化的民族認同,甚至根據特定的文化概念來賦予公民身份,造成不平等。族群、種族、民族主義政治和公民身分的關係,是這個單元所關注的主題。第四個主題則關注政治衝突的極端形式:集體暴力、種族清洗與內戰,我們也將思索如何在政治制度的設計和憲政體制的安排上,來處理文化的、認同的衝突 。

本課程主要的目的透過經典著作的閱讀,廣泛而深入地探討政治社會學幾個核心領域的研究議題、理論取向和累積的實質知識。這門課的指定閱讀以專書(的部份章節)為主。 期待修課學生經由這些經典著作的閱讀學習社會分析的技藝,開拓學術的視野,並在政治社會學領域得到紮實的知識訓練。
(1)修課:我期待修課學生能修完一學年的課。不過,因為上學期(一)的課程內容可以獨立,如果只修(一),也是可以的。 下學期(二)的課程,必須有(一)的基礎,因此不接受只修下學期(二)的學生。
(2)閱讀:所有學生必須在上課前閱讀完指定閱讀。四大主題每個主題的第一週為導論,閱讀內容以review articles為主,其他週的指定閱讀是一本專書的部分內容,約100-120頁,視難易程度和章節頁數而調整。大部分的專書的閱讀方式是必讀導論,從作者介紹的問題架構、理論脈絡、主要論點、經驗對象與研究方法,大概就可以了解這本書的安排、企圖與貢獻。導論之外會挑幾章經驗案例。
Office Hours
** 注意:指定閱讀專書的頁碼尚未標示。

Week 1 9/12 中秋節放假

主題一 國家形成與國族建構

Week 2 9/19 主題導論
Poggi, Granfranco., 2006, Theories of State Formation, in Kate Nash & Alan Scott eds., The Balckwell Companion to Political Sociology, pp. 95-106. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Ertman, Thomas., 2005. State Formation and State Building in Europe. In Thomas Janoski, Robert Alford., Alxander Hicks, and Midred A. Schwarts eds., The Handbook of Political Sociology: States, Civil Societies and Globalization. Pp. 368-383. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Spruyt, Hendrik. 2009. War, Trade and State Formation. In Charles Boix and Susan C. Stokes eds., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Pp. 211-235. New York: Oxford University Press.

Week 3 9/26 民族國家與國家體系的形成
Tilly, Charles. 1992. Coercion, Capital and European States. Oxford: Blackwell Press.

Week 4 10/3 國家建構:歐洲歷史
Ertman, Thomas. 1997. Birth of The Leviathan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Week 5 10/10 國定假日放假

主題二 制度論與國家理論

Week 6 10/17 主題導論
Levi, Margaret. 2002. The State of the Study of the State, in I. Katznelson and H. V. Milner eds. Political Sciences: State of the Discipline. Pp. 33-55. New York: Norton.
Hall, Peter A., and Rosemary C. R. Taylor, 1996 Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms, Political Studies, 44(5) :936-57.
Shepsle, Kenneth A. 2008. Historical Institutionalism. In R.A.W. Rhodes, Sarah A. Binder, and Bert A. Rockman eds., The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutionalism. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 23-38
Sanders, Elizabeth. 2008. Historical Institutionalism. In R.A.W. Rhodes, Sarah A. Binder, and Bert A. Rockman eds., The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutionalism. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 39-55
Hay, Colin. 2008. Constructivist Institutionalism. In R.A.W. Rhodes, Sarah A. Binder, and Bert A. Rockman eds., The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutionalism. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 56-74

Week 7 10/24 理性選擇論
Levi, Margaret. 1988. Of Rule and Revenue. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Week 8 10/31 歷史制度論
Skocpol, Theda. 1992. Protecting Soldiers and Mothers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Week 9 11/7 文化論
Wedeen, Lisa. 2008. Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

主題三 威權、民主與政體轉型

Week 10 11/14 主題導論
Mahoney, James. 2003. Knowledge Accumulation in Comparative Historical Research: The Case of Democracy and Authoritarianism. In James Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemeyer eds., Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences. Pp. 131-174. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Markoff, John. 2005. Transition to Democracy. In Thomas Janoski, Robert Alford., Alxander Hicks, and Midred A. Schwarts eds., The Handbook of Political Sociology: States, Civil Societies and Globalization. Pp. 384-403. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Geddes, Barbara. 2009. What Causes Democratization? In Charles Boix and Susan C. Stokes eds., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Pp. 317-339. New York: Oxford University Press.

Week 11 11/21 威權政體
Linz, Juan. (2000). Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.

Week 12 11/28 民主政體
Dahl, Robert A. (1971). Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Week 13 12/5 經濟發展與民主轉型:賽局理論
Acemoglu, Daron & Robinson, James. 2006. Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Week 14 12/12 民主轉型與民主鞏固:歷史制度論
Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan, 1996, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press.


Week 15 12/19 主題導論
Fung, Archon., and Erik Olin Wright. 2003, Thinking about Empowered Participatory Governance. In Fung, Archon, Erik Olin Wright, and Rebecca Abers. 2003. Deepening Democracy: Institutional Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance. New York: Verso. Pp. 3-41
Thompson, Dennis. 2008. Deliberative Democratic Theory and Empirical Political Science.. Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p497-520
Chambers, Simone. 2003. Deliberative Democracy Theory . Annual Review of Political Science, 2003, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p307-326, 20p

Week 16 12/26 自由民主體制的演進與問題
Held, David. 2006. Models of Democracy, 3rd Edition. Stanford University Press.

Week 17 1/2 審議民主
Young, Iris Marion. 2002. Inclusion and Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Week 18 1/9 民主實踐的創新
Goodin, Robert E. 2008. Innovating Democracy: Democratic Theory and Practice After the Deliberative Turn. New York: Oxford University Press.

政治社會學專題討論 2 (2012春)

主題一 分配政治

Week 1 主題介紹
Carnes, Matthew E., and Isabela Mares, 2009. The Welfare State in Global Perspective. In Charles Boix and Susan C. Stokes eds., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Pp. 868-885. New York: Oxford University Press.
Huber, Evelyne., and John D. Stephens. 2004. State Economic and Social Policy in Global Capitalism. In n Thomas Janoski et.al., eds. The Handbook of Political Sociology : States, Civil Societies, and Globalization , Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, pp. 607-629
Myles, John and Jill Quadagno, 2002, Political Theories of the Welfare State, Social Service Review, vol. 76(1): 34-57

Week 2 階級觀點
Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 1990. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.

Week 3 政治制度觀點
Pierson, Paul. 1994. Dismantling the welfare state? : Reagan, Thatcher, and the politics of retrenchment. New York : Cambridge University Press, 1994

Week 4 性別觀點
O'Connor, Julia S. Ann Shola Orloff, and Sheila Shaver. 1999. States, markets, families : gender, liberalism, and social policy in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, and the United States. New York : Cambridge University Press

Week 5 全球化、政黨政治與福利國家
Huber, Evelyne,and Stephens, John D. 2001. Development and Crisis of the Welfare State : Parties and Policies in Global Markets. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press.

主題二 差異政治

Week 6 主題導論
Markell, Patchen., 2008. Recognition and Redistribution. In John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig and Anne Phlips eds. The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 450-469
Squires, Judith. 2008. Equality and Difference. In John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig and Anne Phlips eds. The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 470-487
Spinner-Halev, Jeff. 2008. Multiculturalism and Its Critics. In John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig and Anne Phlips eds. The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 546-563
Gilroy, Paul. 2008. Multiculturalism and Post-colonial Theory. In John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig and Anne Phlips eds. The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 656-674

Week 7 肯認政治與重分配
Young, Iris. 1990. Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press.
Fraser, Nancy. 1997. Justice Interruptus. Critical Reflections on the “Postsocialist” Condition. New York: Routledge

Week 8 平等與差異
Benhabib, Seyla. 2002. The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era. Princeton University Press.
Barry, Brain. 2002. Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism. Harvard University.

Week 9 文化多元主義
Kymlicka, Will.(1995)Multicultural Citizenship. Oxford University Press.

主題三 族群政治、民族主義與公民身分

Week 10 主題導論
Miller, David. 2008. Nationalism. In John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig and Anne Phlips eds. The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 529-545
Greenfeld, Liah., and Jonathan Eastwood., 2009. National Identity. In Charles Boix and Susan C. Stokes eds., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Pp. 256-273. New York: Oxford University Press.
Varshney, Ashutosh. 2009. Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict. In Charles Boix and Susan C. Stokes eds., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Pp. 274-294. New York: Oxford University Press.
Soysal, Y. N. 2004. Postnational Citizenship: Reconfiguring the Familiar Terrain. In Kate Nash & Alan Scott eds., The Blackwell Companions to Political Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 630-654.

Week 11 民族主義
Anderson, Benedict. (1983). Imagined Communities. London: Verso.

Week 12 種族與國族
Marx, Anthony. (1998). Making Race and Nation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Week 13 族群政治
Wimmer, Andreas. (2002). Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict: Shadows of Modernity. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Week 14 公民身分與國族政治
Brubaker, Rogers. (1992). Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

主題四 集體暴力、內戰與文化衝突的制度調節

Week 15 主題導論
Kalyvas, Stathis N. 2009. Civil War. In Charles Boix and Susan C. Stokes eds., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Pp. 416-434. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fearon, J. D., and D. D. Latin., 2003, Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War. American Political Science Review. 97:75-86
Brubaker, Roger., and David D. Latin., 1998. Ethnic and Nationalist Violence. Annual Review of Sociology 24: 423-5

Week 16 族群清洗
Mann, Michael. (2004). The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing, Cambridge University Press.

Week 17 內戰與集體暴力
Wood, Elisabeth. 2003. Insurgent Collective Action and Civil War in El Salvador. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Week 18 國家民族(State-nation)
Stepan, Alfred., Juan J. Linz, and Yogendra Yadav. 2010. Crafting State-Nations : India and other multinational democracies. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press.